February 21, 2012

an intimate birth

I have been so intrigued by the idea of birth being a private, intimate, spiritual experience for the family. I am fully convinced there is "magic" in the moment of bringing life into the world. From my own experience, with Nora, I was 19 when I found out I was pregnant. While I had faintly heard of home births, the idea was so foreign and alienated, it never even crossed my mind as a legitimate option. I didn't really feel if I had any other option, than to go through the  motions. 

While, i didn't have some horrible experience at the hospital, praise Jesus, I felt very numb throughout the whole time I was there. I opted for the epidural, as I felt was a part of the "normal" process. Looking back, I didn't really feel much at all. In fact, all I remember thinking after I gave birth, is that I wanted to go home, and be with Nora and Logan as a family, together, privately. 

I am in no way suggesting, that hospital births are bad, or not as good as home births(I don't have the experience/education to judge). I am however very excited that I have had some enlightenment regarding the subject. Here is one of the many very interesting videos I have come across.

what are your thoughts?


  1. I hate hospitals so much!
    I'm really afraid of doctors and hospitals.

  2. I had my first in hospital, planned it that way. The experience was so saddening. I than had my next 2 at home after the first was c-section. Birthing at home is so very magical words cannot explain. Read the book "Gentle Birth Choices". Lots of empowering information in there.

    1. i will definetly do that! thank you for the recommendation!
